Are You Making These 5 Aging Mistakes?



Aging today has taken on a whole new meaning than it did a hundred years ago. People worry less about reaching their later life, thanks to advancing medicine, now they worry about reaching those later years healthy and aging as little as possible.

We all get old, it is the way of life and no amount of Botox or plastic surgery can change that. There are factors to either aging gracefully or simply aging; stress and nutrition are two important ones. The old adage laughter goes along way is true and can tack on an extra ten years if or you can let stress take ten away.

Here are 5 aging mistakes you might be making:


Keeping Stress at bay is essential to living a healthy life and preventing disease. Life is full of stress at every corner as you deal with your job, family, kids and all the stuff in between; the pivotal factor is how you deal with these situations.

Stress releases certain hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, which put your body at a constant state of alert. When needed, these hormones do exactly what they are designed to do; unfortunately, more than not, they are released from a continued state of anxiety instead of need.

Cortisol and adrenaline buildup can lead to bad moods, irritability, insomnia, headaches, stomach problems, muscle tension, reduce blood flow, bad diet and depression; none of these issues lend themselves to aging gracefully.

Breathing is the easiest way to lower stress. Give yourself a couple moments to relax, count to ten and breathe it all out. Repeating this a few times during intense situations will take the edge off your body and allow blood flow to continue as normal. Another quick tip to lower stress is to immediately think of something funny or happy and hold on to the thought for a couple minutes; this will redirect the brain in a positive direction slowing down cortisol and adrenaline release.

Cutting Healthy Fats

We have a stigma in society that all fat is bad, completely not true; some fat is bad and some fat is absolutely necessary and it is all in moderation.

Healthy fats keep you healthy inside and out by providing lubrication for joints, organs, cells and the skin. They also create hormonal balance, allow proper brain function, provide energy and satiate your hunger for longer periods of time.

Omega 3 fatty acids keep the heart healthy, slow down the aging process, lower bad cholesterol and releases melatonin to relax the body for a better night’s sleep.

Try adding avocados, nuts and healthy plant based oils to your diet for more energy and less cravings. Fish oil is also a great source of healthy fats.

FIND OUT the Last 3 Mistakes HERE


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