10 Celiac Disease Facts to Share for Celiac Awareness Month


Here are 10  facts you can pass on about Celiac Disease.

1. Get Tested before going Gluten-Free

2. Celiac Disease is an Auto Immune Disease not an Allergy

3. Some People with Celiac Disease have no Symptoms at all

4. Symptoms of Celiac Disease manifest differently in everyone

5. If left untreated, Celiac Disease can lead to a number of other auto immune diseases, cancer, malnourishment, or infertility

6. The ONLY treatment for Celiac Disease is a strict Gluten-Free Diet

7. Celiac Disease can be Triggered at any time

8. If a Family Member has Celiac Disease, everyone should get Tested

9. 1 in 133 have Celiac Disease

10. Celiac Disease can be diagnosed as other conditions, continuing to cause damage to your body

Lets celebrate life, be positive and bring change.

Tags: auto immune, CELIAC DISEASE, Celiac Disease Facts, Gluten Free

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I was diagnosed w/ Celiac disease in 2010, after 7 agonizing years of misdiagnosis. Once I started living gluten free I felt 100% better than I did, but something was still amiss. Giving up gluten was only the beginning of my long journey to gut health and healing.

Everyone is different, there’s not one lifestyle that can work for everyone. Living the gluten free lifestyle is not an easy one and can be very overwhelming: from grocery shopping and social events, to deglutening your own household. I

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