Gluten Ataxia is an aversion to gluten but can be different from Celiacs Disease. Meaning the two of them are not synonymous. This is a really interesting article written by Christina Boyd. Check it out…
Gluten ataxia is a neurologic condition characterized by the loss of balance and coordination. However it can also affect fingers, hands, arms, legs, speech and even eye movements. Typical symptoms include difficulty walking or walking with a wide gait, frequent falls, difficulty judging distances or position, visual disturbances and tremor.
Experts believe gluten ataxia may be a form of gluten sensitivity, a wide spectrum of disorders marked by an abnormal immunological response to gluten.
Different organs can be affected by different types of gluten sensitivity. In celiac disease, sometimes called gluten-sensitive enteropathy, the small bowel is affected. In dermatitis herpetiformis, the skin is targeted, resulting in an itchy rash. With gluten ataxia, damage takes place in the cerebellum, the balance center of the brain that controls coordination and complex movements like walking, speaking and swallowing.
Purkinje cells in the cerebellum, key in maintaining balance, are thought to be lost in gluten ataxia.
To Read Complete Article Please Go To:
Gluten Ataxia: Does Gluten Attack Your Brain?
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