There is not one shape, size, race or gender that Celiac disease affects; it can affect anyone, at anytime, for any reason, anywhere in the body. 80% of people with Celiac diseases are asymptomatic, which means they do not see or feel any obvious symptoms.
As you can imagine, prolonged undiagnosis can cause serious damage to the body over time. So, if you have a concern, get tested. If a family member has already been diagnosed, get tested. If you know someone that possibly might be suffering and can benefit from this information, pass it along and save their life.
Celiac disease affects 1 out of 133 people, only 15% are diagnosed and most of that percentage are woman. One reason is, woman tend to go to the doctor more often when they are feeling ill, while men tend to sluff it off and just deal with it. This then leads to a later life diagnosis, possibly coinciding with a slew of other medical problems caused by prolonged undiagnosis.
The only way to keep Celiac disease in remission is to lead a strictly gluten free lifestyle. There are no magic pills. Let me say that again, there are no magic pills. Food, gluten, got you into this and food is the only thing that can help fix it. Healthy food. Food that you probably were not eating enough of before. Real food, like vegetables, fruits, nuts, lean meats and healthy fats. Taking supplements and probiotics if necessary and under doctor’s care. Eating as fresh as possible instead of packaged or vending machine meals and snacks.
Food is the fuel that feeds the body, everything you put in your mouth is either anti-inflammatory or inflammatory, the latter leads to disease in all shapes and sizes, manifesting in numerous ways. This is the body’s warning that something is wrong. Do you often find yourself ignoring the warning signs? Pushing forward, exhausted, dealing with pain…
If you think you might have Celiac disease consult a doctor, find out now and start healing. If you already been diagnosed, leading a strictly gluten free lifestyle is essential, there is no cheating buffer zone. Cheating after you have gone gluten free will only create more chaos in the body and make your symptoms worse than they were before.
Diagnosis is a wake up call, don’t ignore it. Hit it straight on with nutrition and proper diet, the years you will add onto your future will be worth giving up a few of your favorite foods now.
Good article. It really bothers me when people and even news sources try to downplay the severity and prevalence of Celiacs. There are a lot of people who have it and a ton who don’t know they do- they just know they feel bad most of the time after eating. If you mention trying to eat GF they will look at you as if you just suggested they shoot their puppy but the reality is that eating GF will alleviate the symptoms they feel and their quality of life will improve immensely. Isn’t that worth giving up a few favorite foods?
I agree… It boggles the mind that some would rather remain sick bar they won’t give up bread.
Correct me if I am wrong. You say, “Food got you into this mess…”. Yet isn’t the DQ2 and DQ8 genes that got Celiacs in a mess? It is not the food, but our reaction to the food while having the genes and some “accelerate”.
Sara, the statement “Food got you into this mess…” also struck me as well. My 4 year was just diagnosed and as far as I know, he didn’t get celiac disease from a poor diet. It’s not like Type 2 diabetes from eating too many sweets.
I meant ‘food’ in the abstract sense – gluten. Whether it was eating bad or how dangerous in general our food has become. Food is the source causing the illness to become worse.